Mohammad Zarei

Mohammad Zarei

Web Developer

All posts
  1. Comparison of Headless and Coupled CMS Architectures

    In this article, we will discuss the differences between Headless CMS, Decoupled CMS, and Traditional CMS. Traditional / Coupled CMS A Coupled CMS is a content management system that manages both the Frontend and Backend layers. These systems are commonly known as Traditional or Coupled CMS. Examples of Coupled CMS include WordPress and Drupal. They… Continue reading Comparison of Headless and Coupled CMS Architectures

  2. Modern development environment for WordPress

    In recent years, I have used various manual and automatic tools to set up the development environments for WordPress websites. These tools are useful for local environments and are not intended for production use. In the future, I will write more about production and deployment tools for WordPress. If you are currently using XAMPP or… Continue reading Modern development environment for WordPress